It's not easy to keep track of attendance at your training organization, and we know that. That's why we've added an area dedicated to attendance management on Edusign.
This menu will enable you to obtain summary information for supervising absence management or building your KPI. It will also help you more easily identify course drop-outs by quickly measuring attendance rates.
The Statistics tab allows you to track key figures for your training courses over selected periods at a glance! In particular, you'll find:
Learner attendance (lateness, number of absences, attendance rate, etc.)
Hours worked by your trainers and changes in these hours
Changes in the number of training hours provided by your training center
Precise tracking of learner lateness and its evolution
Various graphs to give you a quick overview of key figures on attendance, absences, justified absences, etc.
Discover the Statistics menu right here:
In addition to filtering by period, you can also sort learners according to their number of absences or their attendance rate by clicking on the sorting arrows.
To find out more, visit our help center.
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