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Edusign communication package

Lucas Minarro-Rey avatar
Written by Lucas Minarro-Rey
Updated over 5 months ago

Thank you for choosing Edusign to dematerialize your signatures - you're now a super-administrator! 🦸‍♂️

As part of the change management process, it's important to communicate effectively with the various parties in your organization.

That's why we've designed this communication pack to help you communicate effectively with your administrators, stakeholders and learners.

In case of difficulties, a chat is available 7 days a week directly on the administrator space.

👑 For your administrators.

Please note! Remember to add users to the Edusign account to give them access to the platform, by adding them via Settings > Users (tutorial here).

To support your administrators, we've put together a comprehensive guide to help them get started and get to grips with the platform on their own.

If you're using Edusign to create elements manually, and have no connection with an internal training planning software, this article will help them get to grips with the platform.

If you use a connection with an in-house ERP (Hyperplanning software, SC-Form, Yparéo, Ammo, Aurion, etc.), you can pass this article on to them.

👨‍🏫 For speakers :

You'll find in the pack :

A PowerPoint tutorial to help you get to grips with the stakeholder platform. (coming soon)

👨‍🎓 For learners :

Similarly, the starter pack contains :

A PowerPoint tutorial for e-mail sign-up. (coming soon)

A PowerPoint tutorial for QR code registration. (coming soon)

For QR code registration, please remember to send the identifiers to your learners beforehand.

To find out more, visit our help center.

💬 If you can't find what you're looking for, contact us via chat. 💬

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